Want to write a book
that helps people?

Let’s make your book idea Come To Life!

It’s time for that book that lives in your head to start paying rent.

The people who will benefit from your book are out there waiting to read ideas like yours

You have ideas you want to share with the world. But you’re struggling to write. Not to worry. I’ll ask you questions to pull the content from your head and then you leave the book writing and editing to me.

Take the book in your head and make it real for the people who need it most.

Become an author without the stress of writing

No more spinning your wheels on creative juice fumes. I’ll guide the words out of your mind and work my manuscript magic.

From thoughts
to real words

A partner to bring
out your best

Through the writing process, I challenge you to dig deeper into your thoughts and beliefs so we can create a masterpiece you can’t wait to share.

Make progress
at your pace

Even when you’re not writing, having your brain picked can be exhausting! We can work at a pace that fits your scheduling needs and mental capacity.

“I love Anya’s constant open communication, her humor, her ability to challenge something, do the research, think critically, and come back with the best solution possible for all parties involved!”

–Carol Luckett, Co-Founder of Zero to 100

“I’m proud to say that Anya is the content writer and one of the editors of my #1 International Bestselling Book, ‘Zero to 100: The Gold Standard of Global Networking.’”

–Joseph Luckett, Co-Founder of Zero to 100

Don’t want to struggle against the almighty Writer’s Block? Just want your story out there already?

I get it. Life keeps you busy enough. I’ll make this easy. Just like I do with all my clients. And you’ll love what we create!

1. Schedule a call

I’ll ask some questions to understand the book in your head and we’ll make sure we’re a good fit to work together. If we decide I’m the right writer for you, I’ll put together a book proposal for you. 

2. Outline

Once you accept the proposal, I ask you questions so we can create an outline. Then we schedule writing sessions that follow the outline. 

3. Interview & Write & Interview & Write...

I ask you questions on a recorded call, you respond, I clickity-clack away on my keyboard. Then I go off to write some rough first drafts, I ask you more questions, and I write some more. 

4. Edit

I go through the manuscript from start to finish with my editor’s eye. You review and make comments, I make edits based on your feedback. Then you choose some trusted beta readers to read and give their feedback. More edits, proofreading, and…

Then, it’s ready to bring to a publisher! (Or publish yourself!)

Have questions? Contact me.

“Can I see a book you worked on?”

Sure can. Check this out:

This book was written as a blueprint to efficient and measurable networking through REAL-ationship-building and a focus on the value you contribute. It is a #1 International Best-Seller backed by a 12-week study and has glowing endorsements from revered networking leaders. 

Learn more here: zeroto100.io/the-book/

Get that book out of your head and into the hands of people who want to read it

There are people out there whose lives could be better for having read your book.

Some people may want to read your book to support you. But most people who will read your future book will do it for themselves. Because they want insight. They want perspective. They want to grow. Yet, many people who struggle to make their book a reality are stuck iterating about what this book will mean for only themselves. 

Here’s a test:

Make a list of 5 reasons why you want to have a published book. Be honest.

Go ahead, take a beat to think.

Now, how many of those reasons are about you? Perhaps more reasons than about other people.

Your future published book isn’t about you, it’s about your reader.

If you wanted a story that was for you only, you wouldn’t feel compelled to publish a book. Something within you is pushing you to share what lives in your brain.

Yet that pesky Writer’s Block still seems to hold you as a captive passenger on the struggle bus.

Don’t worry. There’s a fix!

Step into your reader’s shoes.

What do they need to learn from you and your story?

Whatever that thing is, your book is meant to teach that thing.

But how?

By showing your readers…

  • You understand the problems they’re experiencing

  • How those problems make them feel

  • What life will look like after they learn from your book

In other words, you’re framing your experience for them. That’s what it means to share a story that resonates.

That’s what you’ll get – when you hire me as your ghostwriter.

You’ll finally see your book become real. You’ll see your experiences framed in a way that actually helps people. Your words will really mean something. And those words will sell.

Because you’ll have words that resonate with your reader.

Content that’s not just for you, but for people who need it.

A book that can change someone for the better.

You will achieve your dream of making your book a reality.

You’ll bask in the feeling of having a powerful legacy to be proud of.

Invest in the dream of making your book a reality


Easy Pace

Medium Pace


Fast Pace


How long have you had this idea? How many people have told you that your idea would make a great book? Not outsourcing your writing is keeping you from completing your book.

I break down the book writing process into 3 basic phases: 

Phase 1: Outline

We create a detailed book outline, break down the outline into bite-size chunks, and schedule writing sessions around those chunks.

Phase 2: Write

We do our scheduled writing sessions, I write rough first drafts, we schedule follow-up writing sessions, I write some more.

Phase 3: Edit

I edit, you review and give feedback, I edit some more, your beta readers give their feedback, I edit some more. Proofread, and voila!

Phase 1 is a flat $3000. There are a few options for Phase 2 and 3 pricing:

Are you wondering how these prices stack up against other ghostwriters out there?

Check out my “What is ghostwriting worth?” Calculator!

“How long will it take?”

When we meet to go over your proposal, I’ll give you an estimate of how long I anticipate the manuscript taking. It typically takes between 6 to 12 months, depending on the pace you choose.

Have questions? Contact me.

“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I?”

— Rabbi Hillel

I’m no Rabbi, but I’ll help you communicate your story so that it can help other people.

Most people who want to publish a book that helps people never end up doing it.

I take them through a process to get their book idea out of their heads and into a manuscript that people want to read.

I’ll do the same for you.